217 - Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth feat. The Non-Nanba Club

It's almost been 3 months since the release of RGG Studio's latest masterpiece, so KC invited Matt Oliver and Brian Vines back on the show to discuss Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. Listen to everyone's opinions on the game, where they spent most of their time, and their shared dislike for a certain character.

Follow Matt on X-Twitter: https://twitter.com/MattOliver18

Follow Brian on X-Twitter: https://twitter.com/JetBrianRadio


Theme song of The SEGA Lounge by OSC. You can buy it at 'name your price' by going to https://opussciencecollective.bandcamp.com/album/megane-hatsune-miku-project-diva

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(00:00:00) Intro

(00:05:18) General thoughts

(00:17:34) Setting

(00:28:01) Gameplay mechanics

(00:55:09) Side content

(01:29:52) [SPOILERS] Characters and story

(02:13:59) Outro